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Importing data

Bring your data to Valise from other sources

To import data into Valise, navigate to the Settings → Import / Export page. From there, you can choose from the available import options.

Our importer is currently in beta. To import data, you’ll need to contact us and we’ll help you out. We plan to make this self-serve in the future.

We currently support imports from the following sources:

  • Spreadsheets (.xlsx or .csv)
  • ArtLogic
  • Google Sheets

We’re planning on supporting more sources in the future, such as:

  • Airtable
  • Art Record

Imported artworks records will only be created. No existing artworks will be modified.

For nested record types, like locations, we’ll match the data to existing records. For example, if you import an artwork with a location of “Spencertown Studio”, if your vault already contains an existing location named “Spencertown Studio”, we’ll link the imported artwork to the existing location instead of creating a new one.

Have more questions?

We’re here to help. If you didn’t find what you were looking for, or have more questions feel free to reach out.