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Editioned Artworks

Keep track of editions of an artwork

If you work in a medium such as photography, sculpture, or prints, you likely work not just with unique pieces, but with editioned sets of works. Unlike many inventory systems, Valise has first-class support for tracking editioned works.

Adding editioned artworks

From an artwork’s page, you should see an Editions section beneath the artwork images.

You can use the Set up editions button to configure the number of editions, artist’s proofs (APs), printer’s proofs (PPs), and exhibition copies (ECs) for this artwork. The latter three categories are optional.

Once you’ve transitioned an artwork to use editions, the Location and Status fields will be moved to the editions themselves, since each edition can have its own location and status.

Managing editions

Since editions are often large sets, Valise lets you edit multiple editions at once.

To manage editions, first go to the corresponding artwork’s page and look for the “Editions” section.

Then, select the editions you want using the checkbox on the left side of the table. (You can also Shift+Click to select a range of editions.)

Once you’ve selected the editions you want, you can:

  • Set the status of the editions (e.g., Available, Consigned, Sold, etc.)
  • Set the location of the editions
  • Create a consignment for those editions
  • Create a sale for those editions

You can also click on the edition number (eg. 1/5) to open an edition-specific page, where you can edit any field individually.

Removing editions

To remove editions from an artwork and make it a single, unique work again, navigate to the artwork’s page and look for the Editions section. From there, use the ellipsis menu (…) and choose Delete….

This will remove all editions and edition data, and return the artwork to a single, unique work.

You can only delete all the editions of an artwork at once. If you need to remove just one edition, you can set its status to “Unavailable” or “No Longer Exists.”

Editions & Sales

When you create a sale, you’ll need to select a specific edition to sell. For unique artworks, this is edition 1/1. For editioned artworks, you’ll be able to select any unsold edition.

Editions & Consignments

When you create a consignment, you can select a specific edition to consign. For uneditioned artworks, this is edition 1/1. For editioned artworks, you’ll be able to select any edition.

Editions & Collections

Currently, collections can only be associated with an artwork, not a specific edition. We intend to remove this restriction in the future, allowing you to add either editions or artworks to a collection.

Feedback and Improvements

On our roadmap is adding the capability to edit more details for individual editions, such as size and medium. We are also planning to support more than one “group” of editions, so that you can add more at a later date if you choose to reprint the work (e.g., at a new size). How else would you like our support of edition to evolve? Send us feedback and let us know!

Have more questions?

We’re here to help. If you didn’t find what you were looking for, or have more questions feel free to reach out.